Social Media Marketing Campaign

Become a social media viral sensation with VotoPin. We provide you with highly accurate and 100% result bearing social media marketing campaigns. Try us now.

Social Media Marketing Campaigns That Generate Leads)

The social media marketing campaign is exclusively designed to reach many audiences to promote brand promotion and recognition. A few years ago, before the dawn of social media and the internet, marketing strategies were ineffective and found it difficult to have a global reach. However, we the dawn of social media and the internet, with the right tactic, one will be able to reach a global network.

Therefore, using the right marketing strategies to uplift your campaign on social media is the right path to take. Your potential clients and customers are exiting the network while being unaware of your brand. Therefore, your goal is outreach to these clients by using effective methods of Social Media Marketing campaigns.

Social Media Marketing Campaign

Why The Need Of Social Media Marketing?

Social media has a cumulative reach of 4 billion people. It is a unlimited supply
of potential customers and that too 24*7, 365 days. Social media marketing gives
you the opportunity to tap into this humongous potential.

Improve Your Credibility

Attract A Targeted Audience

High Search Rankings

High Search Rankings

Increased ROI

Multiple Marketing Options

Multiple Marketing Options

Let VotoPin help you build a formidable social media marketing campaign.

Social Media Marketing Services - A Promise Of Success

Social media marketing can be the fortune turner for any website, business or brand.
An effective social media marketing service like we provide at VotoPin can
turn the fortunes for your online business.

Turn your social media into a super marketing
power house with VotoPin.

Social Media Marketing For Business

Social Media Audience attack

It is not as threatening as it sounds but a marketing tactic that all brands use on their social media account. This is done by creating appealing content that acts like a magnet to attract the prospective audience. Thus, the strategy is designed by understanding the target audience and their behavioral patterns.

For instance, if most of the target audience comes in the category of Gen Z, then your posts should be designed keeping in mind the likes and dislikes of Gen Z. Gen Z prefer eco-friendly products; therefore, ensure highlighting this in your feed. Such attacks which reach your prospective customers can be made on Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat by purchasing advertisement rights.

Social Media Marketing For Business

Brand industry and social media usage

The first step for an effective marketing campaign is to identify your brand and the industry it caters to. For instance, your campaign will be effective on LinkedIn or sites like Glassdoor if your brand is a staffing firm. On the other hand, if your brand pertains to the cosmetics and clothing industry, then using Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat are good platforms for your brand. Thus, if a staffing firm finds it difficult, the marketing campaign is launched on Instagram rather than LinkedIn (a professional network).

Be an active member

The most common mistake that brands make is by being inactive after reaching their target followers. One might call it being lazy or not persistent to keep the torch glowing. In the first place, your audience got attracted to your page becomes of your intriguing posts. On the other hand, if you avoid posting intermittently, then your follower’s retention count will lower. Thus, it is important to be an active member even if you are starting out or have already reached your endeavors.

The Pyramid hashtag structure

Many marketing experts suggest the use of hashtags for the organic growth of the brand account. However, what many fail to explain is the strategy used behind hashtags and growth. Hashtags allow you to add your posts to the room based on the hashtag keyword. This then allows your post to compete with other users to get discovered in the room.

Thus, to get discovered quickly, make sure to find hashtags that don’t have many posts. If a hashtag is not that competitive, you will easily make it on the top and get discovered. With this process, you can climb up the ladder easily and organically without resorting to other means.

Giveaways and Freebies

Giveaways and Freebies are the most effective marketing strategies ever since the concept of a market began. People crave free goodies and feel happy and satisfied with purchasing goods with a free product. The term free grabs the attention of the eye easily. For social media, this works in a slightly different manner. The users are asked to fulfill certain criteria, enter the competition, and receive a gift.

The criteria involve:

  • Reposting the post on their story.
  • Commenting on recent posts.
  • Turning on the post notifications.

Targeted Posts

Sometimes one fails to design the target audience for the brand reach. For instance, if you own a furniture brand and are looking to grow your social media followers, then it is important to understand, “Who are your prospective buyers?”. In case of a furniture and home décor brand, the prospective audience is individuals above 25 years. While students prefer used furniture on eBay, only the working class audience will be interested in your brand. Therefore, design content that is suited for that age group to find it relatable to their buying psychology.

Promoting Brand Recognition

Furthermore, it is important to convey your brand’s purpose to your audience and how it came into existence. For instance, many brands just sell products but do not realize that users these days look for brands that are an active part of society. This means that they should support non-profits and follow eco-friendly policies. Now the question is, how can you convey this information on social media? The most effective way is by using graphical and Audio-Visual methods. This includes testimonials, videos, and memes that convey your brand story. After all, your audience looks for a good story and then develops an interest in your brand.

Establishing strong endorsements

Endorsements are an important aspect to establish trust between users and the audience. Getting client testimonials, reviews, and good comments allows users to trust your brand, and they find it easier to purchase products. One can also do this by hiring influencers. Social media influencers are individuals who have developed a huge audience with a high follower count.

Therefore, when you hire social media influencers, they can reach a whole new set of people and give good reviews to your brand. However, there are some important aspects to consider while hiring social media influencers. First, make sure their profile is not a smokescreen. One can do this by cross-checking the number of followers and the likes on their posts. If the numbers are close, you can approach them and ask for their assistance.

Make use of your workforce

Sometimes making use of your workforce helps you advertise your brand cost-effectively. For instance, you can ask your workforce to use their social media accounts to grow your page. This is analogous to a situation where you ask friends and families to subscribe to your rookie YouTube channel. Of course, you cannot make it a mandate but requesting your workforce is the first step towards recognition.

Establishing social media partnerships

Another way for a successful social media campaign is by partnering with other brands. It becomes a mutually symbiotic relationship where both the brand get good traction. Thus, an effective strategy will come into effect, and when both brands endorse each other, the customers on both sides grasp the essence of your brand.

Organizing free workshops

This kind of marketing strategy is only useful for certain brands. For instance, you can organize workshops for using your brand products professionally if you own a cosmetics brand. This attracts individuals interested in learning about professional makeup and, in the process, discover your brand. In this way, you will also attract an audience who are looking to learn more about cosmetics that end up discovering your brand. Thus, you will have to decide on the workshop topics or webinars that use your products. Thus, achieving brand recognition is a cost-effective manner.

Facebook and Instagram Ads

This is a paid way of allowing your post to reach the target audience. Have you noticed that you will always find ads that are suited to your search history? This is done by using analytical tools that use algorithms to find a prospective audience for your brand. Using Instagram and Facebook business accounts, you will have an option to purchase duration for the ads and gain insights about the posted Ad.

Attractive, Engaging, and Factual Content

For an effective social media campaign, it is very important to create engaging content. In this way, the audience enjoys and skims through your posts while spending a longer time on your page. Ensure that your posts follow a definite theme, and hire good graphic designers to appeal to your followers with visuals. All it takes is the right combination of colors and content to attract the target audience.

TikTok and Instagram Reels

These days Instagram Reels are getting more views than IGTV and posts. In addition, Instagram Reels target a local audience, which can be an advantage to your campaign. Therefore, create reels that are suited for brand recognition and promotion. TikTok influencers also have the potential for untapped audiences.

We provide you with social media marketing packages tailored to your needs and branding. Grow your audience and increase your online engagement with us.

Social Media Marketing Services – FAQ

With billions of people using social media , it is like a marketing gold mine. If you are not tapping on the benefits of social media, you are missing out. It's like living in the iron age.
It is very difficult to manage social media marketing on your own. It is always better to trust the experts to get accurate and result oriented results. The profits you get while using these services always exceed the expenses incurred.
It is best to use every aspect, but on a better option it is better to use the platforms on which your targeted audiences are most active. But facebook, instagram, twitter and youtube should not be missed.
Always choose the company which provides you with result oriented campaigns. Also seek for reviews from people who have used them.

So Are You all set To Take Your Social Media Presence To The Next Level? Reach out to us then.

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